the power of optimism

The sun entered Sagittarius today! Sag is the patron saint of optimism and delights in finding silver linings in unexpected places.

As a Sag rising, the realm of infinite possibility is my happy place.

I truly feel like optimism is one of the most life-giving and revolutionary perspectives we can cultivate, especially in a world that’s been doin’ its best to convince us that we’re all doomed.

Cultivating optimism — a devotion to our inner light, a connection to the inherent goodness of life, a hope in miracles still unseen — is not wishful thinking.

Optimism knows that, in a world where belief determines perception, being radically available to the miraculous is the only logical approach. Optimism calls us to master the art of seeing beyond what is, to what can and will be. Optimism means not letting fear have the final say.

Even in the darkest times, there’s an inexplicable faith in the universal good that fueled me.

Viktor Frankl famously wrote: “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

The greatest control “evil” has over us is convincing us that we are powerless. Because once we collapse into the story that all hope is lost…well then, we’re done for. We are powerful creators — what we accept as true will be.

If we’re stuck in a doomsday narrative, then we are closed off from the solutions that would allow us to live a more beautiful story. If we’re willing to have a new experience, we’ll be shown how to get there, one way or another. Easy? Not necessarily. Possible? Always.

Yes, there’s so much fear, hatred, conflict, and deeply destructive energy plaguing this world. Yet, there’s still kindness, joy, generosity, beauty, and so many miraculous forces that continue to create life.

And there’s never been a better time than right now to keep our hearts open in the face of suffering, nurture our sense of possibility, and cultivate our capacity to carry more and more love into this world.

If you want to keep the spirit of optimism alive within you, reflect on these questions:

What would you do if you had just a little more faith — in yourself and in life?

What prayer would you pray if you knew it would be answered — for yourself and for the world?

What’s one aligned action you can take TODAY based on your answers above?

Perhaps you can find a few minutes today to journal on these prompts. Feel free to reply and let me know what came through for you.

I’ll close with a few Sagittarian hype man reminders: You are so divinely supported! Miracles are already here — for you and me and all of us. And the best is yet to come. For real!

Lots of love,

Aaron rose-colored glasses

P.S. Want some more support cultivating optimism about what’s possible for our world? Tune in to my free Future World Meditation. It’s 16 minutes of goodness that will reconnect you with your power as a co-creator. Listen to it here.


Florence Scovel Shinn prayers


morning meeting with God