on God

God may be one of the most controversial words on the planet, and yet here, I’ll be using it with confidence and clarity, and without coercion or control. I cannot authentically, responsibly create content and run programs about how to change your life and the world without rooting it in the foundation of what has changed mine: a relationship with God, followed closely by an awareness of divine law, metaphysics, and the subconscious. 

When I say God, here’s what I mean: the God I love is love. This is not an intellectual idea. It’s an experience. A feeling. A knowing. An oceanic pause. A somatic settling. An instinctive sigh of relief. That’s my feeling about God.

My God is a quantum God. Meaning infinite, multidimensional, unbounded. Certainly the animating force behind this reality that I experience as wildly nuanced is also just as kaleidoscopically surprising, beautiful, and creative. In a world where infinite potential exists, my God is that potential, the full spectrum, all at once, smiling through me and every one of us.

I call God “God,” because I am here to bring love back to all that has been tainted with fear and manipulation, including words like God. I am not willing to let others define my relationship with God for me. When I’m amazed or shocked, I don’t say “Oh my Infinite Field of Quantum Potential from Which I Emanate!” Or even “Oh my Universe!” I say “Oh my God!” Beyond logic, this word feels most natural to me. And so I use it, naturally, intentionally, on my own terms.

My relationship with God is equal parts sovereignty and surrender. 

Sovereignty means I understand that I have free will, I have a choice, I have a say about how I experience my life. I am responsible for the thoughts I think, the words I say, and the actions I take. No person, institution, or idea has more authority over me than I do over myself. 

Surrender means I am deeply interdependent. I cannot do this life alone, and I do not have to. I am one stream emanating from a much larger river. At any point, I can choose to jump back into the middle of that river and access far greater resources, perspective, and energy than I could in my single stream. Surrendering to God, to me, means letting go of everything within me that is resisting love and opening up, again and again, to how good it truly can be.

You don’t have to believe me. This is simply the perspective from which my work is written. There’s no fine print on the above, no catch, no sales pitch on eternal salvation. There’s no religious doctrine either. The only emphatic ideological stances I take are that you are completely loved, salvation/liberation/transcendence and a good, satisfying human life are available right now, and the power to choose that lies within all of us.

With love,

Aaron Rose

“I still believe that standing up for the truth of God is the greatest thing in the world. The end of life is not to achieve pleasure and avoid pain. The end of life is to do the will of God, come what may.” – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.