morning meeting with God

Every morning I go outside to greet the day and have a meeting with God.

Sometimes it lasts 1 minute. Other times it’s 20 minutes or more.

I put my bare feet on the Earth, take some deep breaths, and say the third step prayer: “My will to Thy will.”

Then I have an honest chat with God.

I share out loud whatever’s on my heart and mind, asking for clear guidance and miraculous divine intervention. I speak the way I would to a trusted friend who was listening without judgment.

Nothing is too big or too small to voice. The more comprehensive my expression is, the better. Whatever I hold back, God can’t help me with. Whatever I surrender, will be transformed.

Florence Scovel Shinn calls this “placing the situation in the hands of infinite intelligence.”

These daily surrenders followed by aligned action have preceded all of the miraculous blessings in my life. I now know that when I ask, it will be given. If (and this is a big if!) I am willing to let go of my small self’s ideas, and follow divine inspiration, especially when it doesn’t make sense to my mind.

When I feel like I’ve expressed myself fully, I say these lines from A Course in Miracles: “Where would You have me go? What would You have me do? What would You have me say, and to whom?”

Whatever I hear in response helps direct my day. This prayer is the reason I’m writing you this email right now! As I stood in the clear crisp morning sunlight, I heard: “write an email, let it be simple, let it be the reminder you’d want your younger self to read.”

So I went inside, picked up my pen, and let it flow. (I almost always write long-hand and then type it up afterwards. My heart speaks much more clearly this way, and it’s a lot harder to write inauthentically when you can see it in your own handwriting!)

During these times of great transformation, I’ve found that this daily meeting with God is absolutely mission critical for me.

Right now, the mental realm is extremely fragmented and chaotic. The mind is easily programmed and influenced. The heart, the gut, the intuition – when filtered through ongoing devotion to the divine plan – are much more reliable compasses.

Remember: you’re here for a reason. Your unique light is very important at this time. Do whatever you can to keep your heart open and your creativity flowing. God has got you! The best is yet to come.

Sending you lots of love,


P.S. I wasn’t kidding about the handwriting. Here’s a photo of this email in my journal :)

P.P.S. The practice of a “morning meeting with God” is something I explain further in my program God Is My Boss. Learn more here.


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