this changed my life

One of the most significant days of my life was when my first mentor did a deep dive with me on my soul's blueprint — the lessons I came to learn, the gifts I came to share, and much more.

I had never received such a clear reflection of who I was.

My mind struggled to process some of the information, but my body and heart felt the liberating resonance of TRUTH.

It was like my soul woke up inside my body.

I remembered why I was here.

I felt a renewed sense of courage, inspiration, and confidence.

After our session, I walked around my neighborhood like I was floating on a cloud.

As I strolled the streets of Brooklyn, I contemplated whether it was time to go all in on my spiritual path (at the time, I was still in the metaphysical closet)...and what that even meant.

A few moments later, a truck drove by that said: “Follow Light Path.” I kid you not!

This was years ago, and I’m still realizing deeper truths and being inspired in new ways by what I received that day.

Seeing yourself reflected so clearly at a soul level can be a game changer. Before and beyond all the conditioning, traumatic experiences, and external expectations, it’s a glimpse of the eternal you.

Although I’ve been clear about my mission and my design for many years now, I still prioritize time with these sacred mirrors. I meet with trusted mentors and guides to continue to deepen my remembrance and discover new ways of expressing my gifts as service.

The significance of being truly seen is one of the guiding principles of my work. From that point of clear reflection, gifts that were hiding in plain sight are illuminated, and your self-concept and sense of what’s possible are expanded.

This is why I begin all of my 1:1 work with a deep dive into each person’s unique design, mission architecture, and innate gifts.

This process has evolved into the Mission Template Reading — a synthesis of human design, astrology, the I Ching, and my intuitive insight into your divine design.

There aren’t enough hours in the day to do a personalized Mission Template Reading for everyone (though I wish there were — I love doing them!).

So in January, I’m leading a Mission Template Immersion with a powerful group of mission souls — yay!

In the immersion, you’ll learn more about key aspects of your divine blueprint, identify your gifts and clarify how they want to be expressed, design a month-by-month Mission Map for 2024, and strengthen your inner knowing about who you are and what your service is to the greater whole.

>> Click here to learn more and sign up.

I’m super excited about the group that’s forming so far! Everyone is courageous, committed, and diverse in terms of the work they’re doing in the world.

If you feel called, check it out! Early bird enrollment is $333 until December 28th.

2024 is going to be a potent year. And, if you’re reading this, you have gifts that can support the world through this next season of upheaval and transformation.

Much love,



God has been preparing you


Florence Scovel Shinn prayers