keep going

Despite the profound suffering of our world, I am deeply, authentically optimistic about our future together.

And contrary to what strangers in my DMs have conjectured,

I’m not optimistic because I’ve never suffered.

I’m optimistic because of how intimately I’ve known darkness.

I’ve been face-down on the ground, bloody bruised and bereft, literally and metaphorically, more times than I can count.

I walked the razor’s edge of death for decades on the daily.

I’ve found peace in places I thought I would only know war.

I’ve pulled myself back from armageddon, from the story of “it’s all over, there’s nothing I can do, everything is ruined,” again and again.

I believe in change because I’ve lived it.

I believe in love because it freed me.

I believe in God because God personally escorted me back to Heaven from the hell of my amalgamated personal and generational traumatic insanity.

I believe in myself because I know my heart is pure, my courage fierce, my spirit bright.

I believe in you because I know you are me.

I believe in us because I know we are dreaming the same dream.

If life feels impossibly upsetting right now, and you need a pep talk, read on:

As cataclysmically chaotic as things might seem, we’re not done yet.

Not if we’re willing to live a new story into existence.

Not if we’re still breathing, still dreaming, still feeling.

Not if our hearts still beat for truth and justice.

So don’t give up before you’re gone.

Not on yourself or this world.

Let’s keep going.

Breathe big.

Dig deep.

Feel fully.

Remember every time the impossible happened because you just didn’t stop.

Hear the call of your future self, beckoning your forward, showing you just how good it can, and will, be.

Feel the warmth, the tenacity, the pride of your angelic ancestors cheering you on, knowing that you are here to finish what they started.

And then,

take the next right loving action.

Just the next right one.

Not the whole plan. Not the final stand.

Just the next choice that holds the energy of the world you know we all deserve, and the person you will be when we are there.

You in?

I love you. I really truly do.


you were never meant to fit the mold


if you can see the problem, you can be the solution