Mission Template™ Reading

A 60-minute transmission on your unique design: your gifts, challenges, opportunities, and next steps on your divine mission path.

You are divinely designed.

What is a Mission Template™ Reading?

In these readings, I synthesize wisdom from your soul’s blueprint and offer guidance about who you truly came here to be, how you're designed to share your gifts and overcome your challenges, and the tools that will best help you live your mission.

I prepare by reviewing your charts (through the lenses of human design and astrology), and tap into my own intuitive insight and divine guidance about your mission.

What comes through is actionable, empowering, and timeless — your soul’s themes remain the same throughout your life, though your mission and how you share your gifts may take many forms.

In this reading, you will learn about:

+ Your unique gifts and how you’re designed to share them

+ Your potential challenges and how you’re equipped to overcome them

+ The core themes your of your life and work

+ The top way you’re likely to misperceive yourself and therefore overlook your power

+ How your intuition uniquely speaks to you and how to act on it

This reading is for you if…

+ You’re at a crossroads or choice point in your life and work

+ You know you’re here for something big, but still wonder what that really means

+ You’ve gotten a lot of advice about what to focus on for your work but don’t feel like any of it applied to you

+ You’re an established leader who wants a refreshing, compassionate witness on the evolving path of your mission

+ You’re craving a reminder of who you are on a soul level

You’ll leave your reading feeling deeply seen, inspired about your potential, and empowered to take aligned action to share your gifts with the world.

Note: This is a reading, not a coaching session. You will receive a recording afterwards.

NOTE: A full reading lasts 2 hours. I'm offering a limited number of these mini-readings at a special community rate of $333 for those who need it right now.

Here’s what people have said about their Mission Template Readings:

“Aaron held the space for me to feel fully seen, fully acknowledged, fully heard, and fully supported...to have someone who is undeniably there for you and genuinely wants the best for you is a gift. My Mission Template Reading helped lift the darkness that had enveloped me while illuminating a path that fully aligns with a Godly truth — a path that brings me hope and has grounded me back into my faith.” – Ruby Fremon

“This was truly an answered prayer. I’ve had many different kinds of readings over the years, and this was definitely next level in terms of how resonant it was and how seen I felt.” – PR

“Thank you so much for such an insightful reading! It gave me clarity, so many insights and support I needed.” – TP

“The reading was deeply meaningful to me. I really appreciated your unique approach and that you brought my attention to some ideas about my mission template that I had not heard before.” – MJ

“It was such a joy and honor to work with you. I feel like I am waking up from a long, foggy sleep!” – CR

“Everyone has their own specific vocation or mission in life; everyone must carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment. Therein they cannot be replaced, nor can their life be repeated. Thus, everyone's task is unique as is their specific opportunity to implement it.” ― Viktor Frankl